Flight UAL2129

Submitted By Kevin Vu
Departure AirportSan Diego International Airport (KSAN)
Arrival AirportWashington Dulles International Airport (KIAD)
Aircraft737-924(ER) (N66848)
Flight Time 4.21
Date Submitted12/04/2024
RouteUnited Airlines Passenger Schedule. ZZOOO4 TGOLD PXR J18 ABQ BVO SGF FAM PXV J78 DACOS JARLO GIBBZ5
Status Accepted
Flight Details
Gross Revenue:
(137 load / $ 305.00 per unit
$ 41, 785.00
Fuel Cost:
(23985 fuel used @ 0.78 / unit)
$ 18, 708.30

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Commenter Comment
Kevin Vu 2024-12-04T23:01:45.667Z - Comment: route ZZOOO4 TGOLD DCT PXR J18 ABQ DCT BVO DCT SGF DCT FAM DCT PXV J78 DACOS DCT JARLO GIBBZ5
Joshua Jefferies You can use Simbrief integration with Smart CARS under plugins so you don't have to write out the route, or seek assistance on the discord if you haven't done that before. - Josh

Route Map

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